In the summer of 1989 approximately twenty adults were led of God to form a Bible believing, fundamental, Baptist church in the Camden–Rockport area of Maine. From this was born Cornerstone Baptist Church.
A doctrinal statement and by-laws were drafted and adopted in the fall of 1989 and in February 1991, Pastor Tim Gillam was installed as the first pastor. He served the church in that capacity through the end of 2017.
From the fall of 1989 to 1998 the church met in the American Legion Hall in Camden. By the grace of God and through the generosity of His people, property was purchased and a meeting house built for church gatherings. The first services of Cornerstone Baptist Church at its present location were held in December of 1998.
Upon the retirement of Pastor Gillam, Matt Coons was called to serve the church as pastor beginning January 2018. The church continues to maintain commitment to its original convictions: Bible-believing, fundamental, Doctrines of Grace, New Testament Baptist Church, proclaiming Jesus Christ as the only Savior of sinners.
Cornerstone Baptist Church is a group of born-again, Bible believing people, who are united together as a part of the body of Christ. Our purpose is to glorify God in all of the ministries of this body. In order to uphold the great doctrines of the faith, Cornerstone Baptist Church teaches:
A Fundamental Approach to the Holy Scriptures
We believe the Holy Bible to be the plenary verbally inspired Word of God. It is inerrant in the original manuscripts and is to be interpreted literally. The Holy Bible is authoritative, infallible, God breathed, and our sole authority for faith and practice.
The Gospel as the Central Truth of the Scriptures
We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is woven throughout the entirety of scripture, and is central to our understanding of scripture, of God, of ourselves, of the world around us and of history.
A Baptistic Approach to the Local Church and Its Ordinances
The local church is an assembly of baptized (by immersion) believers, bound together by a covenant of faith; worshiping together, teaching the Holy Scriptures, reaching the lost with the Gospel, observing the ordinances of Christ, defending the faith, and engaging in spiritual fellowship; governed by His laws, while exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in the local church by His Word.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ instituted two ordinances, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which are to be administered exclusively by the local church.
Dispensational Approach to God Dealing with Man
We believe that proper Biblical interpretation allows for seven basic divisions of time, known as dispensations:
Innocence (Genesis 1:1)
Conscience (Genesis 4:1)
Human Government (Genesis 8:15)
Promise (Genesis 12:1)
Law (Exodus 19:1)
Grace (Acts 2:1)
Millennium (Revelation 20:4)
The Doctrines of Grace as God’s Means of Bringing Salvation to Man
We believe that God in eternity past knew that all mankind would find itself in a hopeless and sinful condition. God provided the plan to bring man back to Himself. Those doctrines include:
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Irresistible Grace (New Birth)
Particular Redemption
Preservation of the Saints
Personal Evangelism to Show our Faithfulness to the Great Commission
We believe that each person who has received God’s grace through salvation has the responsibility to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to their community, their country, and the world.